CONTACT: Jennifer Read June 16, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
ECIA Posts Latest ‘Channel Channel’ Podcast ATLANTA – ECIA’s newest ‘Channel Channel’ podcast is an in-depth and thoughtful discussion between ECIA Chief Analyst Dale Ford and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)’s Chief Economist, Chad Moutray. This wide-ranging discussion between two seasoned industry experts reveals a wealth of insights into the volatility that has become a permanent factor for strategic planners in the post-pandemic economy. The two discuss the impact of supply disruptions, the positive signs for manufacturers, what’s really happening behind the scenes, whether a recession is baked into the forecast, workforce challenges, how the U.S. is doing in comparison with the rest of the world and much more. “We need to think about manufacturing in a strategic way in terms of our investments,” Moutray contends. “The overall goal is to become more resilient. The pandemic and supply chain issues we are experiencing now have accelerated trends that were already in play.” “Chad Moutray and NAM closely follow the indicators that matter for ECIA members,” Ford added. “I strongly recommend that everyone responsible for planning for next quarter and next year listen to this podcast sooner rather than later. It is well worth your time.” Download and listen to the podcast here, or through your favorite podcast app. About ECIA |