![]() February 14, 2024, ECIA Newsletter
Does Everyone on Your Team Have an ECIA Profile?We encourage you to get your teams involved! Have them visit the ECIA website, create a profile, participate on a committee, and access the on-demand content available. Once approved, your team members will be able to access members only reports, webinars, PACE and more. EDS 2024 Registration is Open!Registration for EDS is now OPEN! All manufacturers and service providers must register through the EDS office. ECIA FIRST Robotics Fundraising Campaign
In 2023, our members raised $1.6 million for FIRST Robotics! Congratulations on this fantastic accomplishment. For 2024, our goal is to surpass this amount. A few facts about FIRST:
Make your donation today and help support future generations and communities in STEM education! ECIA Research and AnalysisECIA offers its members insight into the industry and a variety of market trends information. Members can log into the website and visit the Stats & Insights page to access an increasing number of statistical reports. Some are available to the public, some to members and others are only accessible to those who participate in the survey. Recent reports:
Visit the stats and insights drop down menu on our website for more information. Member of the WeekThis week's member of the week is a manufacturer, Jones Tech USA. Established in 1997, Jones Tech PLC (JONES) is a trailblazing solution provider dedicated to enhancing the reliability of intelligent electronic equipment. Their expertise lies in independently developing and manufacturing cutting-edge electromagnetic compatibility and thermally conductive materials designed to safeguard intelligent electronic devices. Contact Info: Electronic Components Industry Association 310 Maxwell Road, Suite 200, Alpharetta, GA 30009 678.393.999